Home Nursing

OrangeCross Home Nursing service can be provided either by two 12 hour shifts orthrough 24 hour stay at home nurses

Nursing Care: OrangeCross Nursing Service domain includes medication, personal hygiene, monitoring
vitals, tracheotomy & catheter care, naso-gastric feeding, bedsore management, oxygen
administration, iv drip, etc.
Competence: The nurses trained at The OrangeCross Skill Academy are equipped to provide nursing
care to post hospitalization and post critical patients at home and are competent to perform all the
nursing care activities mentioned above
Equipment and tubings: The nurses are trained to handle basic medical equipment ranging from
sphygmomanometer, suction machine, oxygen concentrator and cylinder, glucometer, nebulizer,
spirometer to catheter, Ryle’s tube, IV drip set and suction catheter.
Documentation: A vital part of the nurse’s duty is to maintain a daily patient health care chart and
medication stock chart. The nurses also follow a prescribed Care plan